President: Michelle Bobb-Semple

It is my pleasure to be a part of and to serve the youths of New England North. We have focused our attention on the message of Romans 12, remembering that we are many but one body in Christ. We are here to encourage, uplift and support each other in the Journey to the Kingdom.  As we look around we may find it hard to believe that love still exist in our world and that things like kindness and compassion still have a place.  We hope that this year as we 'Let Him Shine' others will see that love and compassion in the hearts of The New England Youths and desire to know this Jesus that we serve!


  1st Vice President: Lee Bulgin

2nd Vice President: Dwaina Howson

I am excited for the plans that God has for the youth in the New England area, and feel honored to have been elected to serve for this term.  I pray that as we all work and embrace the message of Romans 12 that we will all be lead into a closer relationship with God.

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize." - 1 Corinthians 9:24





  Secretary: Taeka Wilson

   Assistant: Tamar Tomlinson


  Treasurer: Gregory Bloomfield

  Assistant: Kafui Tsaku




  Chaplain: Hansy Noel 

  Asst. Keisha Seaton



  Social Coordinator: Howard Sinclair




   Assitant Health Coordinator: Daniel Cadet



   Olympics Coordinator: Michael Maxwell

   Asst. Garnet Channer




  Public Relations: Joshua Desouza

  Asst. Andre Mercury